You're in great hands

Welcome to the Center for Alternative Medicine! My staff and I will do our best to make sure that your first visit here is as beneficial and stress-free as possible. Please click on the button below to download the forms you will need to fill out. Also make sure to bring an ID and any insurance cards to your first visit.

Plan on spending 45 minutes to an hour with me at this visit. We will do a complete diagnostic exam, after which we will discuss your treatment plan and options. If possible, I like to begin treatment at the first visit.

Our goal will be to first reduce your symptoms, then restore your body to a normal equilibrium, and then teach you the skills you need so that you can stay pain-free and healthy with the minimum of supportive therapy necessary. My motto is "Find It, Fix It, and Get Out of the Way."

Please call us at 860-567-5727 if you have any questions.